There are many kinds of diseases in tomato fruit, such as umbilical rot, malformed fruit, empty fruit, and sunburn. When growing in the greenhouse, it occurs more often and the damage is more serious. Once the physiological disease is formed, not only the yield and quality decline, but also the commercial nature is poor, and it will cause a great economic loss in production. The symptoms, causes and prevention measures of the main physiological diseases on tomato fruits in greenhouses are described below.
1, tomato umbilical rot
1.1 Symptoms and causes of formation. The disease is the most severe disease in the period of young fruit. Lesions are prolific at the top of the fruit. The water stains are dark green at first, and quickly turn dark brown. The flesh loses water and the top is flat. Generally it does not decay. When the humidity is high, some of the fungi on the lesions are saprophytic and produce pink. Color or dark brown mold layer.
The reasons for the formation: (1) Unbalanced water supply, especially if the water required for fruit enlargement is not satisfied, the leaf transpiration will take away moisture from the flesh and produce umbilical rot. (2) Tomato can not absorb enough calcium and boron from the soil, resulting in physiological disorders of the umbilical cells, can also produce umbilical rot.
1.2 Prevention and control measures. (1) Strengthen field management, timely and balanced watering, and apply sufficient base fertilizer, pay attention to the use of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers. (2) In the initial fruit setting stage, spray 1% superphosphate, or 0.5% calcium chloride, or 0.1% calcium nitrate solution, spray once or twice a month or so, spray 1- or 2 times.
2, tomato abnormal fruit
2.1 Symptoms and causes of formation. There are two major types of tomato malformation symptoms: one is fruit without cracking, but fruit shape changes, some fruit navel uneven, some tumor-like protrusions; the second is a cracking fruit type, fruit cracking, with horizontal cracks and Top cracking, radial cracks occur near the fruit pedicle, and concentric annular cracks appear in the shoulders of the fruit. Anatomical deformity results in more ventricles than normal fruits.
Causes of Formation: (1) Sustained Events in Flower Bud Differentiation Period or Flower Bud Development Stage
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