Wintering water can reduce and prevent the damage of wheat freeze-thaw, and save water for the following year, so that winter water can be used in spring and early spring drought can be prevented; soil can also be destroyed to eliminate overwintering pests. Winter wheat irrigation in wheat fields should not be too large. Do not flood flooding, so as not to cause the area of ​​water, form ice and make the seedlings suffocate and die. The pouring of winter water starts at a daily average temperature of 7°C-8°C and ends at 5°C. It's good to freeze in the night. Prematurely, high temperatures will promote growth; when it is too late, the soil will freeze and water will not infiltrate in time. Wheat seedlings will die in the ice. After pouring, pay attention to timely scratching and remove soil compaction. For deficiencies in basal fertility and poor fertility, combined with winter irrigation to supplement urea 5-8 kg, will help wheat seedlings in winter before turning strong, both with winter fertilizer spring, beneficial to the growth of wheat seedlings after returning green.
Rongcheng Jingyi Oceanic Technology Company Limited ,