Change the soil. According to the different texture of soil, the soil is modified by using the method of changing the soil. Soils that are overly viscous are properly mixed with sandy soil, river mud, etc. for improvement; for sandy soils with poor water retention and fertilizer retention, appropriate clay should be incorporated for improvement.
Increase soil organic matter content. A large amount of organic fertilizer is applied and supplemented with chemical fertilizers. Apply 5,000 to 10,000 kilograms of organic fertilizer per 667 square meters, spread the plough evenly, and mix it thoroughly with the soil. Green manure can be planted in places where conditions permit, to increase soil fertility.
Expand the mature soil layer. The soil layer in agricultural soils is shallow, usually about 15 cm, and there is a dense plow bottom layer. After changing into vegetable gardens, deep plowing methods can be adopted to deepen the tillage layer. After deep plowing, the soil tillage layer is 20-25 cm, and the mature soil layer is 30-50 cm, forming a deep loose soil layer and expanding the absorption surface of the root system, which can be achieved for a long time. Supply nutrients and moisture.
Appropriate fertilizer application. Vegetables absorb much more nutrients than field crops. In addition to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, absorption of calcium, magnesium, and other elements is also high. After Daejeon is changed to a vegetable garden, the application amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers should be increased. Rational allocation of fertilizers according to different types of vegetables can avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer. In soils with insufficient supplies of calcium and magnesium nutrients, calcium, magnesium or calcium-, magnesium-containing fertilizers such as calcium magnesium phosphate, calcium superphosphate, potassium magnesium sulfate, boron magnesium, etc. must be used.
Pay attention to planting techniques. The newly remodeled vegetable garden soils are initially planted with vegetables that require less fertilizer and water. Such as peas, onions, cabbage and so on. For a period of time to be planted, the degree of soil maturation is improved, and after the conditions of water, fertilizer, gas, and heat are improved, vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers, which require higher soil fertility, are planted.