More cholesterol drops and increases mortality! Is vegetable oil beneficial?
April 21, 2016 Source: Bio Valley
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The latest evidence comes from the unpublished data from a large controlled trial conducted in Minnesota 50 years ago and the analysis of published data on many similar dietary interventions. The results of the analysis indicate that while eating linoleic acid-rich vegetable oils can lower cholesterol levels, it does not reduce the risk of heart disease and overall mortality. Even more incredible is that in the Minnesota study, participants with more pronounced declines in serum cholesterol levels were at higher risk of death.
Vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid mainly include corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, safflower oil and cottonseed oil.
The use of vegetable oils to replace animal oils rich in saturated fatty acids to help improve heart health can be traced back to the 1960s, and studies have shown that such dietary changes can help lower blood cholesterol levels. Since then, epidemiological and animal experiments have shown that this dietary intervention also reduces the risk of heart disease and associated mortality. In 2009, the American Heart Association reiterated that reducing dietary saturated fatty acids and appropriately increasing linoleic acid and other omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids may be beneficial to the heart.
However, there have never been randomized controlled trials showing that linoleic acid-based dietary interventions can reduce heart disease risk or death, and randomized controlled trials are considered the gold standard for medical research.
Researchers at the University of Minnesota conducted a large study called the Minnesota Coronary Experiment from 1968 to 1973, which included 9,423 participants from six psychiatric hospitals and a nursing home. The results were not published in medical journals until 1989. . Researchers report that replacing corn and other saturated fats with corn oil does reduce cholesterol levels, but has no significant effect on heart disease and death from heart disease and overall mortality.
The researchers in the study further analyzed the relevant raw data, some of which were never published. The researchers confirmed the cholesterol-lowering effect of dietary intervention, but they also found from the autopsy records that participants in corn oil were among the participants. The number of people who died of heart disease was almost twice that of the control group. In the intervention group, women and patients older than 65 years of age died 15% more during the trial than the control group.
The researchers said they could not get data for each patient, so it was not possible to determine whether the differences were statistically significant. Other results using MCE data analysis only use data from some patients, so it is impossible to determine whether corn oil replaces saturated fat is really harmful to heart health, and more clinical data is needed for further investigation.
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