Branches vary in length, many branches, branchlets flat. The leaves are small and scaly, interact with each other, appressed on branches, dark green or yellow-green. Brittle and easy to break. Gas fragrance, bitter, astringent, slightly pungent. It is better to use leaves that are tender, green, and unbroken.
7 Microscopic identification
Scales and branchlets transverse section: epidermis cells are small, square-like, outer stratum corneum, stomatal invagination; inner 1-2 rows of epidermis fibers are arranged discontinuously, the wall is extremely thick; leaf parenchyma cell shape is large, leaf vascular bundle The upper part has a round resin channel, with transfusion tissues on both sides. It is wing-shaped, with a small cell shape in the phloem and a polygonal cell in the xylem. The cortical parenchyma of the branchlets sometimes shows a resinous tract, and the medial side is a flattened cell containing brown material; the phloem parenchyma cells are irregularly shaped, the fibers are circular, and the individual rings are arranged in several rounds; the xylem tracheids and fibers are arranged in a radial direction. The ray has 1 row of cells; the pith is spindle-shaped or cruciform. Rays, mesophyll, and cortical parenchyma cells contain calcium oxalate crystals.
8 physical and chemical identification
Thin layer chromatography: Take this product coarse powder 3g, add methanol 30ml, set on a water bath reflux 30min, filtered. The filtrate was evaporated to dryness, and the residue was dissolved with 15 ml of 5% sodium carbonate. The filtrate was extracted with saturated n-butanol twice with 10 ml each time, and Ph was adjusted to 3-4 with dilute hydrochloric acid and extracted twice with 10 ml each time with ether. The ether was combined and evaporated to dryness. The residue was dissolved in 2 ml of methanol to prepare a test solution. Another suitable amount of quercetin was dissolved with 2 ml of methanol. For the control, 10 μl of the control solution and the test solution were spotted on the same silica gel GF/254 thin layer plate. Toluene-ethyl acetate-formic acid (5:4:1) was used as a developing agent, with a 12 cm spread and observed under a UV lamp. In the chromatogram of the test sample, the same dark spot was observed in the corresponding position of the chromatogram of the reference substance.
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