US research: Bacterial pneumonia is more "injured" than viral pneumonia
November 15, 2018 Source: Xinhuanet
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The study was completed by the Heart Institute of the Mountain Lake Medical Center in Salt Lake City, USA. The study analyzed nearly 5,000 patients with pneumonia. The results showed that patients with bacterial pneumonia had a 60% higher risk of heart attack or stroke than viral patients.
Brent Millerstein, who participated in the study, said in a statement that patients with pneumonia are prone to cardiovascular disease within the first 90 days. "We didn't know which type of pneumonia was more dangerous in the past. The results of this study provide a clear answer. This will enable doctors to better monitor patients and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients."
According to the researchers, they evaluated 4792 patients hospitalized for pneumonia from January 2007 to May 2014. Nearly 80% of the patients were bacterial pneumonia, and the rest were viral pneumonia. Each patient was followed for 90 days.
The study found that 34% of patients with bacterial pneumonia had a cardiovascular disease within 90 days of infection; in patients with viral pneumonia, this proportion was 26%. Millerstein said that the reason for this difference may be that bacterial pneumonia is more severe than arterial inflammation caused by viral pneumonia.
The researchers said that when the arteries are inflamed, the lamellar plaques that have accumulated over the years have become unstable, "breaking away" from the arteries, causing cardiovascular obstruction, leading to a heart attack or stroke.
The researchers pointed out that if patients are diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia, they should be treated more aggressively, and medical staff should closely monitor any signs of cardiovascular disease.
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