I. Variety selection
Greenhouse autumn and winter cucumbers generally choose early heat resistance, late cold resistance, disease resistance, high yield, good quality varieties. Such as Jinan Mirshou, Xintai Michao, Jin Za 1 and Jin Za 2nd. Middle and late-maturing high-yielding and disease-resistant varieties, such as Jinyan 2 and Jinyou 4, can also be used. The main and deputy cultivation with early-maturing varieties can both be in the morning market, extend the supply period, and increase production.
Second, nursery time
In the greenhouse cultivation of autumn and winter cucumbers are generally sown in late July to early August. The appropriate calendar seedling age for colonization is 40-50 days, and the physiological seedling age is four-leaf and one-hearted. If calculated according to calendar seedling age, colonization will be conducted 40 to 50 days after sowing.
Third, nursery methods
1.Plant seedlings: Use 50 or 72 holes per dish to raise the seedlings. Seedlings are selected for permeability and good water permeability. Materials rich in organic matter, such as vermiculite and turf 1:2 are mixed, and certain chemical fertilizers can be added. . Can also be clean sandy loam or humus soil, mixed with a small amount of contaminated fine feces after screening, installed in the plate, should not be full, slightly shallow. Put the germinated seeds in the hole, one for each hole, and then cover the substrate and then drench the water. Spray the bactericidal and insecticidal effects with carbendazim and insecticide. 4000 plants per acre field seedlings, seed 80 to 100 grams.
2. Grafting and nursery: Continuous greenhouses are used for many years. To prevent the occurrence of blight and winter cold damage, grafting is often used. Black seed squash or white seed squash are commonly used as root stocks, and grafting is performed by means of splicing and splicing. After grafting, the seedlings are planted in seedlings, covered with sheds after watering, covered with thin grass curtains or paper bags, and shaded by sheds. The humidity is 90% to 95%, and the temperature is 25°C to 30°C. After three days, the grass curtain is opened sooner or later. The air can be ventilated after one week. Grafting seedlings grow faster and the sowing time is the same as the regular date. However, the black seed squash has a low germination rate and a relatively long emergence time, and should be sown in advance for 7 to 10 days.
3. Live: Soaking before sowing can be germination, soaking with warm water at 50 °C, in order to promote seed water activation, but also play a bactericidal effect, until the water temperature dropped to 30 °C maintained at a constant temperature, continue to dip 5 to 6 hours. After soaking, the seeds are washed lightly, wrapped in clean gauze, kept germinating at 30°C, and placed in bowls and porcelain plates to maintain a certain temperature. The seeds can be sown after two days and nights. Use 250 grams per acre and sow 2 to 3 seeds per hole. Watered after sowing, then covered with mulch.
IV. Post-broadcast management
1. High temperature exposure. Shade the net to prevent overheating.
2. Prevent rain. When it rains, cover it with a film to prevent rain from entering the shed.
3. Cover soil. When the seed is unearthed and capped, it is necessary to cover the screened fine soil in time to help the seeds off the cap. When long-term drought, it is necessary to timely cover the sieved moist fine soil to solve the soil drought. When the soil is too wet, dry fine soil must be covered in time to reduce soil moisture.
4. Pest control. Liriomyza can be killed by yellow plates, or sprayed with 1.8% abamectin 2000 times or spot 2,000 times liquid; aphids can be used once again with a net 2000 times solution or Kangfudu 5 to 10 ml per acre spray, also Can be used to avoid fog, deltamethrin and other control; downy mildew can be chlorothalonil, Phytophthora net, antiviral, metalaxyl manganese zinc spray control; bacterial leaf spot disease can be used to kill 600 to 800 times liquid Spray control; Epidemic is controlled by 400-500 times spray of Radiummil or Metalaxyl Manganese Zinc; Fusarium wilt is treated with 10% double effect Ling 200 times solution or 50% Thiophanate 400 times solution, or with multiple bacteria Spirit 4 kg mixed with fine soil spread in the planting field.