British researchers develop new drugs against multiple colds
May 16, 2018 Source: Xinhuanet
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After various variants of the rhinovirus that cause the cold enter the human body, almost all of the proteins in the human cell called NMT self-replicate, and then spread in the human body. A research team at Imperial College of Science in the United Kingdom has started from the human host to develop a drug that does not attack the cold virus itself but blocks NMT, preventing the cold virus from using this protein to form a capsid and obstructing its replication in the human body.
In the laboratory environment, this drug is applied to human lung cell NMT protein, which takes only a few minutes to take effect. Laboratory studies have shown that the drug can block the spread of several cold viruses in the body without harming human cells. Researchers believe that as long as it is used early, it can block the spread of any kind of cold virus. "Even if the cold has been infected, the drug can help slow down the symptoms," said researcher Professor Ed Tate. At present, the research team still needs further experiments to confirm that the drug remains human and non-toxic. Safe human experiments are expected to begin within two years. The research results were published in the British journal Nature and Chemistry.
There are many types of rhinoviruses that cause colds, more than 100 variants, and the ability to rapidly develop resistance. Therefore, although there are many drugs on the market that can alleviate the symptoms of colds, the drugs that really treat colds are still blank. (Yuan Yuan)
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