Broiler feeding skills

1 Choosing a mild-type breeder As early as 1982, the scientist Purdue University of America Qian Weimai determined to develop a mild chicken breed. The average breeder chooses chicken breeds from a group of eggs that produce large eggs. As a result, the eggs increase production. However, the flock is more frequent and the casualties are rather heavy. It is not worth the candle. Mil is looking at chickens that are not predatory. From this, one-year trials have shown that such a mild type of chicken produces 3% more eggs than a predatory chicken and has a longer lifespan. This means that the former produces 45% more eggs than the latter. In addition, temperate laying hens have a strong ability to adapt to environmental changes such as sudden warming.
2 Benefits of feeding iodine to hens More than 40% of iodine was added to the chicken feed by a research team led by Poin School of Poultry, North Carolina State University, USA. The result was a 4% increase in hatchability and a higher survival rate. 50%, and the growth rate is also greatly improved, especially after the first 6 days of shelling.
3 Additives that help growth Vitamins, fats, amino acids, and beneficial microorganisms all contribute to weight gain, egg production, and disease resistance in chickens. Adding 2% of vitamin C to the feed and feeding 3 to 7 weeks old chicks can increase the amount of calcium in the chicken's blood and increase the strength of the sacrum and femur. Adding 0.2 to 0.3% of vitamin C to the layer feed can promote bone and eggshell calcification. Researchers at the University of Sydney, Australia, have conducted several tests and confirmed that adding vitamin C to their drinking water for a period of time before the hens first laid their eggs can produce hard-shelled eggs. Australian hens usually drink groundwater, which is rich in sodium chloride, which reduces the activity of enzymes in the eggshell. If hens are supplemented with some vitamin C, they can effectively prevent the breakage of eggs produced by new chickens. However, this method can not afford much effect on old hens. Adding salmon oil to the feed can reduce cholesterol levels in the egg yolk. However, adding coconut oil, safflower oil, olive oil, and animal fat has no effect.
The amino acid tryptophan is one of the factors that determine the actual egg production. The production of 1g egg requires 3.19mg tryptophan on average. If a chicken is calculated at 90% egg production and eggs with a pure weight of 55g, it needs daily. 5590% 3.19 = 157.9 mg tryptophan. In the diet of the 1st to 21st day old chicks, an appropriate amount of methionine and 0.375% of cystine were added.
The addition of beneficial microbial preparations in feed can effectively improve the nutritional status of chickens, promote the growth and development of chickens, increase the chest muscles of chickens, and reduce the risk of Salmonella and other pathogens.
4 broiler fed with sodium bicarbonate good British Imperial Chemical Industry Company tests found that adding 1 to 5 kg of sodium bicarbonate per ton of feed, have a significant effect on improving broiler carcass grade and weight gain. Compared with broilers that added salt, the addition of sodium bicarbonate to broilers reduced the amount of drinking water in the former and improved the litter status. As a result, the incidence of toe abnormalities and chest inflammation decreased significantly, and litter costs decreased. The effect of different sodium sources on body weight of 4-week-old broilers was significantly different. Using sodium bicarbonate as the sodium source, sodium levels ranged from 0.12% to 0.28%, and broilers had an average body weight of 889g, which was higher than that of the salt group of 816g. The mineral content of the broiler feed is preferably 0.15% to 0.20% of sodium, 0.80% of potassium, and 0.12% to 0.15% of chlorine. Therefore, sodium bicarbonate can be used as a sodium source instead of salt.
5 The combination of fat and vitamin B12 in broiler feeds should be appropriate. U.S. agricultural experts believe that the weight gain of chicks is related to the amount of vitamin B12 in chickens when they are fed with fatty compound feed. If the vitamin B12 content in the chicken is insufficient, the weight gain of the chick is significantly suppressed. Add enough vitamin B12 to the feed to restore normal growth. Therefore, experts recommend that if you want to add fat to the diet of chickens, you must add the appropriate amount of vitamin B12.

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