Father smoking offspring may have "drug resistance"

Father smoking offspring may have "drug resistance"

February 16, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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Research by the University of Massachusetts Medical School shows that if a man smokes, his offspring may be inherently "drug resistant," meaning that some antibiotics and even chemotherapy may not work in them.

The researchers used male mice as experimental subjects to expose them to large amounts of nicotine. They were then mated with female mice to produce offspring, and whether the sensitivity of the offspring to nicotine and other drugs was observed. The results showed that offspring who were exposed to nicotine mice were not sensitive to nicotine compared to normal mice, and they were also very resistant to cocaine.

Nicotine has many applications in the pharmaceutical industry. Professor Oliver Rando, who is in charge of the research, said: "The results of this study raise many questions. For example, if your father smokes, does it mean that chemotherapy is not effective for you? Will you become a smoker?"

However, researchers have not been able to determine whether changes in mouse offspring are solely affected by father exposure to nicotine or to the father's overall quality of life.

Over the past decade or so, more and more research has shown that the living environment of parents affects the risk of their offspring. For example, parents' eating habits may change the metabolism of their offspring, and parents' stress will make future generations more prone to anxiety. (Jing Jing)

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