Fog irrigation can promote high yield of black fungus

Fog irrigation time every spring is the golden season of breeding black fungus, at this time the fog irrigation can produce 1 to 2 spring ear, its increase in production accounted for more than 80% of total production. In the early summer, if high temperatures (above 30°C) do not occur, the use of fog irrigation will reduce the temperature and increase the humidity. The time for each fog should be more than half an hour and less than two hours. The duration of fog irrigation is closely related to the conditions of air humidity, temperature, and the amount of water in the ears. When the weather is dry, the temperature is high, and the water content in the ears is low, the fog irrigation time can be prolonged. Otherwise, the fog irrigation time can be extended. Can be shortened appropriately. Fog irrigation should be based on intermittent water supply for early ear water absorption faster, higher water utilization, each time the fog should not be less than half an hour, two irrigation intervals of about half an hour. The inter-irrigation interval in the middle and late periods can be appropriately extended to 1 to 1.5 hours. Fossilization of factory-planted ears requires factory-earned ear-heating facilities, which can be conducted throughout the year. In the row of bags (coded into the wall type), the ears can be sprayed every 2 to 3 hours during the daytime. Every half an hour, the room temperature is generally maintained at 20°C to 25°C, and the air humidity is maintained at 80% to 90%. . If there is a high temperature (more than 28°C) in the weather, a foggy irrigation should be added at noon in order to facilitate cooling and humidification and promote the growth and development of the fruiting body of Auricularia.

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