In addition to controlling diet, moderate exercise, and sticking to medications, many sugary friends also hope to increase health by taking supplements or natural herbs. So, what are the benefits of diabetes in pharmacies and supermarkets? Let Xiaobian speak for you.
What are the hypoglycemic health foods?
fish oil. Studies have shown that fish oil supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids can improve glucose tolerance, triglycerides, and total cholesterol levels in type 2 diabetes. However, studies have also found that fish oil worsens the condition of type 2 diabetes. This may be related to the purity of fish oil supplements. However, the safest way to add omega-3 fatty acids is to eat 2-3 times a week.
L-carnitine. This is an amino acid that helps fats turn into energy. It can help sugar sufferers to lower blood lipids.
Acetyl L-carnitine. Studies have shown that this substance can delay diabetic retinopathy and improve optic nerve function. Taking 3 times a day, the effect of 1000 mg each time is better than 500 mg each time.
Lipoic acid. This is a natural antioxidant. Supplementing 600-1200 mg daily can improve insulin sensitivity and delay the appearance of diabetic neuropathy.
Coenzyme Q10. It is an essential substance for blood glucose metabolism. Coenzyme Q10 levels in patients with type 2 diabetes are significantly lower than those in normal subjects, but it is still unclear whether coenzyme Q10 supplementation is beneficial for blood glucose.
Inositol. It is an essential substance for maintaining the normal function of the nerves. Each 500 mg twice a day may help improve diabetic neuropathy.
Amylase blockers. By inhibiting the amylase, it inhibits the absorption of polysaccharides in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby reducing postprandial blood glucose. However, the efficacy and safety of long-term use remains to be seen.
Oligofructose. There are few studies on its effects on blood glucose, blood lipids, and insulin secretion and the results are contradictory. At present, there is no public opinion.
Glucomannan. It is a water-soluble dietary fiber extracted from the root of konjac, which can delay gastric emptying, delay the absorption of sugar in food, and reduce postprandial blood glucose. Glucomannan also helps control gestational diabetes.
ginkgo. Ginkgo biloba extract has been proven to help prevent and alleviate early diabetic neuropathy.
American ginseng. A small study found that taking 3 grams of American ginseng can reduce the hyperglycemia caused by drinking high-sugar drinks in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Aloe vera. When taken alone or in combination with the hypoglycemic agent glibenclamide, it helps to lower blood sugar.
Ginseng. Daily consumption of more than 200 mg of ginseng can improve blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes.
cinnamon. Animal experiments have found that it can increase insulin sensitivity but lack clinical evidence.
raspberry. The anthocyanins and flavonoids contained in raspberries are powerful antioxidants that promote the formation of normal connective tissue and strengthen the body's capillaries. Anthocyanins also increase capillary and venous blood flow. Therefore, raspberry can help prevent the type 2 diabetes caused by thickening of the blood vessel wall.
Mistletoe. Its extract stimulates islet beta cells to secrete insulin.
Evening primrose oil. Taking 4 grams of evening primrose oil daily for 6 months or more can reduce the pain caused by neuropathy.
Lagerstroemia grandiflora. Its extract can reduce blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes by 20% to 30%. However, the safety of long-term use has not been verified.
olive leaf. Animal experiments have found that olive leaf extract can reduce blood glucose in diabetic animal models, but has not been verified by human trials.
Plantain. It can improve blood sugar in some diabetic patients, possibly because of its soluble fiber.
Ganoderma lucidum. Helps to prevent type 2 diabetes and cancer but lacks large-scale research evidence.
Bitter gourd. Contains at least three ingredients that have a hypoglycemic effect. Although it is not currently known whether these three types of ingredients act alone or in combination, the benefits of bitter gourd in patients with diabetes have been clinically proven.
chili. It contains capsaicin. Topical application can improve peripheral symptoms of many types of diabetes, such as relieving pain caused by neuropathy.
onion. It contains two major substances: sulphides such as allylpropyl disulfide (APDS) and flavonoids such as quercetin. APDS prevents the liver from metabolizing insulin and stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin, which increases insulin levels and lowers blood sugar. A large amount of onion can reduce blood sugar in type 2 diabetic patients, but it will not affect normal blood glucose levels.
magnesium. Patients with type 2 diabetes often lack magnesium. The American Diabetes Association acknowledges that magnesium deficiency is associated with insulin resistance, but denies that magnesium deficiency is a risk factor for diabetes. However, there are still doctors who advise normal sugar donors to make up 200-600 mg of magnesium daily.
Zinc. Patients with type 2 diabetes are often deficient in zinc, but there is evidence that zinc supplementation has no effect on blood glucose. In spite of this, many doctors still recommend proper zinc supplementation to patients with type 2 diabetes to correct their insufficiency.
chromium. In patients with glucose intolerance, pregnancy or hormone-induced diabetes, type 2 diabetes, chromium can improve blood glucose levels and related indicators. However, there are reports that chromium supplementation is only effective if taken daily with 100 mg of niacin.
niacin. Also known as vitamin B3, high-dose intake (2-3 grams per day) can impair glucose tolerance. Small doses (500-750 mg per day and 250 mg per day after one month) can improve symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
Vitamins B1, B6, B12. Studies have found that diabetic neuropathy can be improved after 12 weeks of combined use of these three B vitamins. However, the optimal dose remains to be studied.
Biotin. It is also a B vitamin necessary for glucose metabolism in the body. Patients with type 2 diabetes take 9 mg of biotin every day. After two weeks, their fasting blood glucose drops significantly. Biotin can also reduce the pain caused by diabetic nerve injury.
Vitamin C. Can inhibit glycosylation, but also reduce the level of sorbitol in patients with type 2 diabetes, improve glucose tolerance in patients with type 2 diabetes. Excessive proteinuria means poorer prognosis of diabetes. Supplemented twice a day, 500 mg vitamin C one year later, the loss of urine protein in diabetic patients was significantly reduced. Many doctors suggest that diabetics can supplement 1-3 grams of vitamin C daily. Excessive doses will increase blood sugar.
Vitamin D. It has the function of regulating insulin secretion, but the dose is too toxic to the general meeting, so diabetics can not rush to use vitamin D supplements.
Vitamin E. People who lack vitamin E are more likely to suffer from diabetes, and most type 2 sugar friends can improve it to improve glucose tolerance. In addition, studies have shown that elderly people with normal blood sugar taking 900 international units of vitamin E daily for more than 3 months, can significantly improve glucose tolerance.
Sugar Friend's three-word hypoglycemia should be kept in mind
1, learn knowledge, prevent
Once diagnosed, diabetes will be a long-term process of controlling and preventing complications for life. Self-learning, digestion and mastery of diabetes knowledge, patients can regulate their blood sugar through reasonable diet and exercise, avoid or delay the occurrence of complications, and they can consciously and actively cooperate with the treatment, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble.
2, early morning and late sleep
It is recommended to get up at 5:30 to 6:30 in spring and summer. A siesta begins at half an hour after lunch, and it is best to take a siesta in about 1 hour, and do not sleep more than 11 in the evening. The total daily sleep time can be kept within 6 to 8 hours. Too long or too short a sleep can adversely affect the regulation of blood sugar.
3, quantitative food, variety
Diabetics need to eat small meals in the diet. Eating too little can easily induce hypoglycemia. Too much can increase the burden on the islet cells. The most important thing is that for diabetics, the high and low blood sugar is the most harmful to the body. Therefore, we encourage diabetics to eat 5 to 6 tons a day, each time a small amount of fine, variety, so that a balanced nutrition and maintain blood sugar stability.
4, active legs, drink plenty of water
Exercise in diabetes is very important, especially in patients with overweight type 2 diabetes. Should choose walking, swimming, hiking and other mild aerobic exercise, between half an hour and 1 hour after the meal. If you feel thirsty during exercise, you can drink water in small quantities.
5, normal, mo angry
Many patients with diabetes have such feelings. The mood is not good, and blood sugar also follows. For people with diabetes, it is important to learn to self-regulate emotions and find ways to enrich their lives.
6, do not smoke, do not drink cup
Smoking and drinking of diabetic patients will accelerate the occurrence of peripheral neuropathy, so that the complications such as fundus lesions, diabetic feet and other complications appear in advance. Therefore, diabetic patients must avoid tobacco and alcohol. In addition, we must avoid drinking on an empty stomach to avoid hypoglycemia. You can choose to drink alcohol, do not drink liquor.
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