Do not eat breakfast or have gallstones nutrition breakfast how to eat

do not eat breakfast

Diabetes eyes on you!

Do not eat breakfast interrupted calorie intake may cause hypoglycemia. At the same time, because lunches and dinners need to make up for the lack of calories, it is easy to eat too much, leading to increased blood sugar resilience, causing a large fluctuation in blood glucose, and thus affecting insulin regulation throughout the day. The simultaneous increase of insulin and blood glucose is one of the early warning signs of diabetes! If this is the case for a long time, the risk of diabetes will increase.


do not eat breakfast

Coronary heart disease high risk!

As soon as we heard of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction, we could not help but feel a trembling heart. Although coronary heart disease does not cause immediate death, it is almost on the countdown to life.

If you do not eat breakfast for a long time, it is easy for low-density lipoprotein to deposit on the inner wall of the blood vessel, leading to the occurrence of arteriosclerosis. In addition, some scientists have conducted detailed studies on people who have not eaten breakfast for a long time and found that their chances of suffering from myocardial infarction and other diseases are also 27% higher than those who normally eat breakfast.

do not eat breakfast

Gallstones find the door!

Without breakfast, why is it a major cause of gallstones?

If you do not eat breakfast, fasting time is too long, storage time is too long, resulting in supersaturation of cholesterol in the bile, and then cause cholesterol deposition, the gradual formation of stones.

What kind of person (physique or other factors) is generally easy to cause gallstones because of not eating breakfast? For those who weigh more than 15% of their normal weight, the incidence of gallstones is 5 times higher than that of normal people! Especially women who are overweight are more likely to be vulnerable.

do not eat breakfast

The old is so sick!

Look at the Little Ding Dong and Kang Fujun. They just don't eat breakfast and they are so old! How many time machines are useless! !

Without breakfast, the human body has to use glycogen and protein stored in the body. As time goes by, it will cause dry skin, wrinkles and anemia, and accelerate the aging of the body. At the same time, the energy and nutrients provided by breakfast occupies an important position in the intake of all-day energy and nutrients. The lack of nutrients for breakfast intake is difficult to supplement in other meals. The lack of breakfast or poor breakfast quality is one of the main causes of the lack of energy and nutrient intake throughout the day. In severe cases, it can also cause nutritional deficiencies. Such as malnutrition, iron deficiency anemia and so on.

Simply put, those who do not eat breakfast will often eat more snacks because of lack of energy and nutrients. They like to eat at night!

To have a good breakfast, the following points must be noticed!

No appetite in the morning, how to break?

First of all, ask yourself, what time did you get up in the morning and did you have a good night's sleep?

In general, if you do not have enough sleep, you are very drowsy in the morning, your body has not yet woken up, you are forced to get up by the alarm, or you stay up until 10 o'clock after staying up late, it is unlikely that you will have normal appetite. The solution to this situation is - no! want! boil! night! Let the morning energy more abundant, and get up early for half an hour, so that the gastrointestinal naturally has the desire to eat.

The morning does not eat breakfast for a long time, the gastrointestinal does not have the habit of secreting the digestive juice at this time. At this time, it is not necessary to force a large amount of food, but it should be gradual, starting with drinking water and eating liquid food. For example, drink a small bowl of porridge, eat a small bowl of noodles, drink yogurt, soy milk, etc., and slowly cultivate the stomach and intestines in the morning interest in food. As long as it persists for a period of time, gastrointestinal knows that there will be food coming in at this time, and it will gradually develop the habit of regularly secreting digestive juices, and the appetite will gradually prosper, and it will increase the food intake until the normal state.


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