Short-term fattening technology for adult cattle

The elimination of cows in adulthood is mainly due to the loss of labor and breeding ability. China has to eliminate more than 3 million heads each year, which is an important source of beef and beef foods currently listed. If these cattle are slaughtered without fattening, there will be less meat and poor meat quality. This is a big loss. After a short period of fattening and growth, the output can be improved, the meat quality can be improved, the income of the cattle industry can be increased, and the market can be eased. Contradiction between supply and demand of beef.

1 Preparation before fattening

1.1 Health check

Individuals who have bad teeth or have chronic digestive diseases are excluded to avoid wasting feed.

1.2 Deworming

With anti-creep sensitivity (dose: lOmg/kg body weight) and other drugs, mainly to drive off the digestive tract parasites.

1.3 Disposition

Bull castration before half a month.

1.4 Prepare the barn

Winter fattening, ready insulation barn, keep above 6 °C. At least three simple shelters with enclosed walls and open fronts should be built to reduce the consumption of cold feed.

1.5 Weighing

At the beginning and end of the fattening period, each cow was registered for weighing in order to calculate the feed consumption and to understand the effect of fattening.

2 fattening methods

For the elimination of cows in adulthood, feeding and fattening are usually carried out for 3 to 4 months. According to different seasons and the situation of grass resources in various places, the following kinds of fattening methods can be taken:

2.1 Ammoniated Straw Finishing

At present, aminated rice straw, corn stalks, and wheat straw have been widely used throughout the country to feed beef cattle.

The ammoniated material should be taken out of the sealed storage area for 1 to 3 days prior to feeding, and the worm should be fed for 3 to 4 years. In general, feed 10% of straw per cow per 1d, mix 2~3kg of concentrate, 60~80g of salt, and properly feed green feed such as grass and vegetables. Feed 3 times every 1d and drink 1h after feeding. Individual cattle are not accustomed to feeding. They are initially supplied in small quantities and added more concentrate to them. After a period of adaptation, they are increased to constant feeding.

2.2 Distillers' Digestion

In the first stage, the diet was dominated by hay, and a small amount of vinasse was used to gradually adapt to the feeding. The time was about 15 days. In the second stage, the amount of distiller's grains was gradually increased and the amount of hay fed was reduced. The time was about 15 days. The third stage, a large number of distiller's grain, a small amount of hay, the maximum amount of each distiller's grains per 1d is 35 ~ 40kg, at the same time, every stage 1d for each head with feeding mixed feed 2 ~ 3kg, salt 50g, the amount of green feed. Distillers grains must be of good quality and freshness. If there are rashes, red joints, etc. in the bovine body, feeding of distiller's grains should be suspended, and hay, green materials, etc. should be changed to adjust digestion.

2.3 Silage fattening

Silage corn, planting grasses and other silages are ideal fattening beef cattle feed. Feeding principles are roughly the same as those for distiller's grains. The maximum amount of silage is 25 to 30 kg per head per head and 80 to 100 g of salt.

2.4 Sugar beet residue fattening

It is economical to use sugar beet residue as a fattening beef beet. Fresh slag or dry slag can be used, but the dry slag must be fully soaked before it is fed to eliminate impurities. The maximum amount of 35 to 40 kg per head per head, 50 g of salt, 2-3 kg of supplemental concentrate, appropriate amount of green fodder and hay.

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